Professional Produce

Customer Service
Customer Service
Professional Produce is always trying to innovate in order to keep a competitive edge in an ever-changing business world. Our clients are vital in providing us with information and various insights into how we can better perform our job. We also stay up to date with advances in technology and are members of various agricultural and produce-related organizations.
Our clients and memberships that help us remain at the competitive level that we hold ourselves to.

Food Service

Professional Produce offers many different types of food services to further cater to our clients’ specific needs. These amenities include, but are not limited to:
24 Hour Distribution– Our warehouse is open 24/7 in order to fulfill our clients’ needs at any hour of the day.
Contract Pricing– We are capable of offering our customers contract pricing. This gives us the ability to do year round, half year, monthly, and additional set pricing depending on quantity.
National Chain Pricing– Here at Professional we have the ability to offer companies chain pricing for their stores across the country. This will rely on various factors including location, amount of stores, etc.
Processing Pricing- Additionally, we are able to provide our customers with daily quotes of freshly processed produce. These items include slab onions, shredded lettuce, sliced apples, and more.
By offering our clients these various types of pricing and distribution options, we make sure that we can fulfill any necessities a client of ours may demand. This is something that we at Professional Produce pride ourselves on and are an integral part of why many companies feel like they can always turn to us.


A major part of our business includes supplying fresh produce to various retailers. We are able to offer a diversified array of promotional pricing services to suit each different retailer and attract various companies, regardless of their size. This includes, but is not limited to;
Offering these promotional options to retailers allows us to provide the best possible deals to our clients and in turn, a more cost effective and better bottom line for all parties involved. We are able to move items that are hot in the market at a price that can’t be beat, while our clients are able to get guaranteed fresh produce at an exact cost.

Grower Relations

These are some of the companies whom we are proud to team up with to distribute their products: