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US Business Executive Case Study

US Business Executive, a platform for elite business leaders across the nation, recently did a case study on Professional Produce with an emphasis on the food safety system and culture at Professional Produce. The article can be read in its entirety here:

US Business Executive Case Study

Professional Produce maintains SQF Level 2 Certification

Professional Produce has been re certified as a SQF Level 2 facility. Food Safety for all of our customers and consumers is of paramount importance at Professional Produce.  Furthermore, most of our customers require specific levels of food safety to do business with them.  Stated in the simplest terms, the recognized solution to the problem of food borne illness is a comprehensive prevention strategy that involves all participants in the food system, domestic and foreign, doing their part to minimize the likelihood of harmful contamination. Professional Produce has adopted the strategy mandated by SQF scheme as part of the Global Food Safety Initiative. It is not a strategy that assumes we can achieve a zero-risk food supply, but it is a strategy grounded in the conviction that we can better protect our customers and ultimately the consumers as well as the economic vigor of the food system if everyone involved implements reasonably available measures to reduce risk.

Compac Sorting Equipment Video Case Study

Compac Sorting Equipment, Inc., recently visited our facility and did a video cases study relating to our Compac Sorting Machine and how we use it in our day to day operations.  The video can be viewed by clicking here.

Professional Produce acquires Compac Sorting Equipment

Professional Produce acquired a Compac Sorting Equipment state of the art machine. The machine will able to run various types of fruits and vegetables including tomatoes, oranges, lemons, and grapefruit. In addition the machine will be able to dump, sort, and pack product specifically to our customer’s needs. Professional Produce is now able to better standardize our product while increasing our output capabilities.