Professional Produce

Customer Service
Customer Service

Box Two

The repack room or Box Two is our warmest box. The temperature here is typically set to 57° F. The warm temperature helps the tomatoes emit natural gases to get a better color and more taste. Various items move into this box to be hand-selected and re-packed by one of our qualified employees. Our new recently acquired Compac Sorting machine helps us be more efficient and put out a better product for our customers.
(Visit our Repack Page to find out more information)

Box Three

Each one of our specifically cooled boxes has gravity-fed racks, which can hold up to 530 pallets, with each pallet weighing up to 2,500 lbs. These boxes are all the same size at 8,000 square feet. Box three’s temperature is usually set at 48° F. Items in this box include; tomatoes, bell peppers, brown onions, yellow onions, red onions, lemons, limes, oranges, mangos, avocados, eggplant and squash.

Box Four

Box four is commonly set at 38° F. This box is for produce that is meant to be stored in cold conditions without being put in a wet box. Items include; various types of berries, honeydews, cantaloupes, cucumbers, and grapes.

Box Five

Box five is our wet box. It is the coldest refrigerated box. Many of the items here require being stored with ice. This box is always set to 36° F and has various drains throughout the box to make sure that it is never too wet on the floors. Box five usually contains; all leaf items, romaine, lettuce, asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, corn, celery, kale, green onions, beets, radish, leek, parsley, and cilantro.

Warehouse Floor

The warehouse floor is specially designed to handle all incoming and outgoing orders. From our 17 truck bays, to our pallet jack and fork lift charging station, to our lunch room for the warehouse employees, the warehouse floor is where the bulk of the action happens and where we emphasize very sanitary and orderly business practices.

Box One

Box one, which is 3,000 square feet, has recently undergone renovations and is used to repacks that are not able to be done on the machine. Additionally, it will soon store most of the tomatoes to make easy access to our sorting machine in the next cooler.

Shipping / Receiving

Orders come and go through this office. Once a sales order is made, it comes here where it is customized, packed, and ready to ship.Incoming orders are recieved here, and stored in their proper Box.

Upstairs Office

The upstairs office is where all the buying and selling occurs. Through e-mail, fax, and telephone each salesperson can cater to their clients and their needs. The accounting office is also here, which takes care of receivables and payables.